Retrospective Insights

A Perfect Starting Point for Team Reflection

Select the starting points rather than committing them to memory

Pre-generated data-driven insights instead of starting from scratch

Retrospective insights offer a chance to discuss changes that can boost team efficiency. This kickstarts a creative brainstorming process, potentially uncovering solutions and tapping into hidden potential beyond the initial insights.

Pre-Generated Insights

  • Contributions/Work Quality Summary
  • Contributions by Day/Hours: Total and Count of Contributors
  • XP (Contribution Score) and Cycle Time by Contributor
  • Merged Pull Requests with Cycle Time above the AVG
  • Code Review Comments
  • Top Triggered Alerts, Alert Resolution Comments
  • Recognition Awards, Achievements
  • Comments / Actionable Items

Why do you need devActivity Retro Insights? Because it:

  • easy to start with a few clicks
  • provides data to foster the team's efficiency
  • intuitive even for non-techie

The team has included this feature in the roadmap, and you can elevate its priority by upvoting it on GitHub Discussions.

Retrospective Insights

And There is More...

Team Member Comments

Every team member may leave his comments on:

  1. What went well
  2. What may be improved
  3. What actionable items may be planned
Team Member Comments

Retro Insights Archive

Consolidate retro iterations to:

  • Keep tracking the actionable items
  • Easily compare the retrospectives over a period
  • Export to PDF
Retro Insights Archive

Track, Analyze and Optimize Your Software DeveEx!

Effortlessly implement gamification, pre-generated performance reviews and retrospective, work quality analytics, alerts on top of your code repository activity

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