Actionable Alerts

Be Aware When Something Requires Your Attention

Get notified when important indicators are out of your defined baseline

Proactive Assistance on Operational Bottlenecks Identification

Picture someone continuously monitoring your metrics. When something significant occurs, they promptly alert you, requesting necessary action. This process greatly conserves time and attention while minimizing the feedback loop.

What are examples of alerts?

  • XP (Contribution Score) changed for X %
  • PR stuck for more than X hours
  • PR rejected more than X times
  • No closed issue for X days

devActivity Alerts benefits:

  • Customizable to align with your current benchmarks
  • Maintain objectivity and impartiality
  • Considerably more efficient than human monitoring

Alerts serve a dual purpose - they not only provide notifications but also demand actions such as resolution or acknowledgment from the responsible party. This encourages proactive steps towards systemic changes aimed at preventing future alerts.

Actionable Alerts

And There is More...

Alert Resolution Automation

Reduced Manual Effort:related alerts set to Done when:

  1. Apropriate Pull Request is closed
  2. Created Performance Review
  3. Created Retrospective
Alert Resolution Automation

Team-Level Alerts Configuration

Tailor alerts to each team's specific benchmarks

  • Contribution and work quality metrics alerts
  • Team and individual alerts
  • Work schedule alerts
Team-Level Alerts Configuration

Track, Analyze and Optimize Your Software DeveEx!

Effortlessly implement gamification, pre-generated performance reviews and retrospective, work quality analytics, alerts on top of your code repository activity

 Install GitHub App to Start
devActivity Screenshot