Monthly Pricing

Payments processed by GitHub

Open Source


Public Repos only

  • Unlimited Active Contributors

  • XP, Levels, Achievements, Leaderboard

  • Contributors, Discussions Analytics

  • Contributions, Work Quality Analytics

  • Dynamic README Widgets

  • Configurable Public Dashboard

  • Personal Dashboard for External Contributors



Private/Public Repos

  • Up to 7 Active Contributors

  • External Managers

  • Contributions and Work Quality Analytics

  • Operational Bottleneck Alerts

  • Automated Performance Review

  • Retrospective Insights

  • Peer Recognition Awards

  • XP, Levels, Achievements, Leaderboard



Private/Public Repos

  • Unlimited Active Contributors

  • External Managers

  • Contributions, Work Quality Analytics + AI Insights

  • Operational Bottleneck Alerts

  • AI-Powered Performance Review

  • AI-Powered Retrospective Insights

  • Peer Recognition Awards

  • XP, Levels, Achievements, Leaderboard

For Startups / Incubators / Accelerators / VCs:
We're eager to support your entrepreneurial spirit. Contact Us for a special offer

For Enterprise: All Premium features running inside your VPC. AWS, GPC, Azure supported. Contact Us

Frequently asked questions

If you can't find what you're looking for, you can always contact us with your enquiry.

Who qualifies as an Active Contributor?
Any individual who is actively engaged in activities such as making commits, pull requests (PRs), or reviews within the repository, or managing the team
What should I do if I exceed the limit of 7 Contributors on the Free Plan?
If you exceed the limit of contributors, those exceeding the limit will be disabled. To continue using the service, you'll need to upgrade to the Premium plan or disable some contributors to stay within the limit
How do I upgrade, downgrade, or cancel a subscription?
You can manage subscription from your billing section of your GitHub Org account
Can I get a discount?
We're working on annual billing plans with up to 20% discount. Also, we can extend Premium trial on your request