Performing at Your Best: How to Prepare for a Successful Software Developer Performance Review

What is Performance Review

The software developer performance review is a process that evaluates the performance of a software developer in their role and provides feedback on their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. It typically involves a review of the developer's work over a specified period, feedback from colleagues and stakeholders, and a discussion between the developer and their manager about their performance and goals. The aim of the performance review is to help the developer understand their performance, identify areas for improvement, and develop a plan for further growth and development.

Performance Review Stages

  1. **Setting clear expectations
    **Before the performance review process begins, managers should set clear expectations for what they will be evaluating and how the evaluation will be conducted. This includes setting goals, establishing metrics for success, and communicating these expectations to the developers. \

  2. **Collecting data
    **Managers should collect data from a variety of sources, such as performance metrics, feedback from colleagues and customers, and self-assessments. This data should be objective and relevant to the evaluation criteria established in the first stage. \

  3. **Analyzing data
    **Managers should analyze the data collected and identify trends, strengths, and areas for improvement. This analysis should be used to create a comprehensive picture of the developer's performance and provide specific examples to support feedback. \

  4. **Conducting the review
    **During the performance review meeting, managers should provide feedback to the developer based on the data collected and analyzed. This feedback should be specific, constructive, and focused on helping the developer improve their skills and performance. \

  5. **Creating a development plan
    **After the review, managers should work with the developer to create a development plan that outlines specific goals and actions for improvement. This plan should be tailored to the developer's strengths, weaknesses, and career goals. \

We will cover the initial three stages for both managerial and developer positions.

Preparing for Performance Review if You're Manager

As a manager, meeting project or organizational targets often involves discovering the untapped potential within your team and aligning everyone towards a common objective. Clear, open, and objective communication is vital to achieving this goal.

Setting clear expectations

Understand the purpose of performance review

Ultimately, the goal of a performance review is to help the employee grow and improve, while also ensuring that the company's goals are being met.

Additionally, performance reviews can be used to set goals for the employee's future performance, provide coaching to help the employee meet those goals, and establish a plan for career development.

Measure the results not the personality

During a performance review, focus on work-related results, not personality. Job-related performance is measurable and objective, including accomplishments, productivity, meeting goals, and fulfilling responsibilities. Personalities are subjective and can lead to biases. Emphasizing work-related results allows for constructive feedback to improve skills and contribute to the organization's success.

Direct attention towards areas for improvement.

The focus should be on the progress developers are making towards areas of improvement, rather than their current position. It is essential to recognize that individuals possess untapped potential that can be valuable for achieving team objectives and fostering personal growth.

Collecting data

Data plays a crucial role in creating an objective reality for both parties during performance reviews.

Previous Review Goals Progress

Once a decision has been made, it must be carried out. Although there may be numerous explanations for why a particular outcome was not attained, it is crucial to assess the measures taken to prevent or mitigate potential risks.

Project/Milestones/Organization Goals

Achieving targets holds significant importance in a business context, as missing them poses risks for the team, organizational unit, and the company as a whole.

Monitoring project/organization goal progress ensures that everyone is on the same page regarding project expectations and timelines.

Development Process

More important data you collect, more objective your review will be. Here're some of the areas to consider for output analytics:

  • Code Contribution
  • Code Quality
  • Development Process Quality
  • Documentation

Behaviour & Attitude

They impact not only the individual's productivity but also the team's overall effectiveness. A developer with a can-do attitude, a growth mindset, and a willingness to take on challenges is more likely to be productive and innovative than one with a negative attitude or a fixed mindset. There are lot of factors to consider, here're a few of them:

  • Communication
  • Leadership
  • Team Feedback

Hard Skills Development Progress

It ensures that the individual is continuously learning and developing the technical skills required to excel in their role. This enables them to stay up-to-date with the latest tools, technologies and programming languages, and contribute effectively to the project's success.

Soft Skills Development Progress

Soft skills such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and adaptability are essential for effective collaboration and project success.

Analyzing data

  • Identifying gaps in competencies can highlight areas for improvement
  • When evaluating progress and metrics, it is useful to compare against colleagues who have a similar competency level or to industry averages
  • Aligning company/project goals with individual opportunities creates efficient environment

Preparing for Performance Review if You're Developer

The most effective way to identify areas for personal growth is by receiving feedback about your weaknesses. Challenging yourself to achieve more complex goals with your team or organization is the fastest way to foster personal development.

Setting clear expectations

It is important to remember that self-evaluation is subjective and based on an individual's perspective, while a manager evaluates based on the interests and viewpoint of the business or team.

Understand the purpose of your performance review

Performance reviews aim to establish a shared understanding of the past and future by assessing one's contributions towards team goals, identifying areas for improvement, and setting goals for future growth. The review process involves evaluating where one stands, reflecting on their achievements and areas of development, and finding ways to enhance performance and efficiency in the future.

Think About Where You Want Your Career to Go

Having a clear vision of your career can provide you with a sense of purpose and direction. It is important to set goals that align with your personal and professional aspirations and create a roadmap for achieving them. When you have a vision that resonates with you, it can help you stay motivated, focused, and committed to your goals, even during challenging times.

A career vision that evokes positive emotions can also help you stay resilient in the face of setbacks and obstacles. It can provide you with a sense of meaning and fulfillment that goes beyond material rewards or external validation. By envisioning the kind of impact you want to make in your field or industry, you can tap into your passion and creativity and bring your best self to work every day.

Compile Your Questions

A performance review should not solely be a monologue from the manager's perspective. In fact, managers appreciate receiving feedback from their team members as well. Therefore, it is important for employees to ask questions and engage in a two-way conversation during the review process. Here are some ideas for questions to ask:

  • What can I do to enhance my support for you and the team?
  • Can you provide insight on how my role may develop in the future?
  • I have some proposals that I would like to share with the team. Could we schedule a separate meeting to further discuss my ideas?
  • May I inquire about any upcoming professional development opportunities that I should consider attending?
  • I discovered an external learning opportunity that could enhance my performance in this position. Is it possible for the company to cover the cost?
  • Can you suggest some skills that would be beneficial for me to develop in this role?
  • I aim to improve my internal networking skills. Can you provide some recommendations on how to accomplish that?
  • What changes do you anticipate in the team dynamic in the future?
  • Are there any additional actions I could take to enhance my performance in this position?
  • What are the steps I should take to be considered for a promotion or a salary increase?

Collecting data

Make a List of Your Accomplishments

Start by reflecting on the tasks and projects you have worked on throughout the past period of time. This could include anything from developing new software, bug fixes, code optimization, or customer service. Once you have identified your accomplishments, make a list of them and consider adding any relevant links to projects or online resources that showcase your work.

Leverage co-worker feedback

Ask those who you work with to provide honest feedback on your performance both leading up to and during the actual review.

Show how you have tried to improve yourself

Keep track of all the new skills you have acquired and any successes you have had. You can also show that you are continually trying to stay at the top of your game by referencing any courses, workshops or conferences you may have attended.

Show how you have adjusted to a challenging situation

Demonstrating this skill is by sharing a project or situation that was particularly difficult for you and how you were able to successfully navigate the situation. This will show the manager that you can stay composed and resourceful even when faced with a difficult situation.

Analyzing data

Suggest your personal goals and goals to improve company/project results

To ensure personal and professional growth, it is essential to keep business goals in focus and find ways to align them with areas for personal development. By identifying key business objectives and aligning them with personal goals, individuals can enhance their skills and knowledge while contributing to the success of the company. This involves understanding the needs and priorities of the organization, identifying areas where one can add value, and developing strategies to achieve both personal and organizational goals. By aligning personal growth with business objectives, individuals can create a win-win situation that benefits both themselves and the company.

Determine Your Ask

Do you want a promotion? A raise? More challenging projects? Having a clear request in mind will help guide the conversation and ensure that both sides get the most out of the review.


The Performance Review process is an effective tool for creating an objective information field to evaluate individual and team performance over a defined period. By reviewing past accomplishments and areas for improvement, individuals and teams can identify strategies for enhancing their performance and achieving future goals. The Performance Review process facilitates open and honest communication between employees and managers and provides an opportunity to establish clear expectations and objectives for the future. By leveraging the insights gained through the Performance Review process, individuals and teams can make informed decisions about professional development, performance improvement, and career advancement.

devActivity can help both parties to prepare objective data useful during performance review:

  • Contribution Metrics
  • Quality Metrics
  • Team Feedback
  • Achievements
  • and even Areas of Growth

What is Performance Review

The software developer performance review assesses a developer's performance in their role, providing feedback on strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. It includes a review of their work, feedback from colleagues and stakeholders, and a discussion with their manager about goals and performance. The objective is to aid the developer in understanding their performance, identifying areas for growth, and formulating a development plan.

Performance Review Stages

Prior to initiating the performance review process, managers should establish and communicate clear expectations for the evaluation criteria and methodology. This entails defining objectives, determining performance metrics, and conveying these expectations to the relevant personnel.

To ensure a thorough evaluation, managers should gather data from different sources, including performance metrics, feedback from colleagues and customers, and self-assessments. The data collected must be relevant and objective, aligning with the established evaluation criteria in the initial stage.

It is recommended for managers to analyze collected data and identify patterns, strengths, and areas of potential improvement. This analysis can be utilized to form a complete evaluation of the developer's performance and furnish specific examples to substantiate feedback.

During the performance review meeting, managers should provide feedback to the developer based on analyzed data. The feedback should be specific, constructive, and focused on improving the developer's skills and performance.

Following the review, managers and developers collaborate to establish a development plan that details distinct objectives and strategies for enhancing performance. The plan should be customized to the developer's individual strengths, areas for improvement, and professional aspirations.

Both managerial and developer positions will undergo the first three stages.

Tips for managers on how to prepare for performance reviews.

In order to meet project or organizational targets, a manager must identify untapped potential in their team and work towards a common objective through clear and objective communication.

Setting clear expectations

The objective is to comprehend the function of a performance review.

The purpose of a performance review is to aid employee development and progress, while also guaranteeing that company objectives are achieved.

Performance reviews serve multiple purposes, including setting goals for future performance, offering coaching for achieving those goals, and creating a career development plan for the employee.

Focus on evaluating the outcomes, not the individual's character.

In a performance review, stick to work-related results, not personality. Job performance is measurable and objective, such as productivity, accomplishments, meeting goals, and fulfilling responsibilities. Personalities are subjective and can cause biases. Focusing on work-related results allows for constructive feedback to improve skills and help the organization succeed.

Highlight areas for potential improvement.

When evaluating developers, it is important to consider their progress towards improvement rather than just their current status. It is also important to acknowledge the untapped potential of individuals, which can help achieve team goals and promote personal development.

Collecting data

The use of data is important in creating an objective reality for both parties during performance reviews.

Prevous Review Goals Progress

After making a decision, it's important to follow through. Even if things don't go as planned, it's necessary to evaluate the actions taken to prevent or reduce risks.

Project/Milestones/Organization Goals

Meeting established targets is crucial in a business setting, as failing to do so can result in potential risks for the team, department, and the organization as a whole.

Tracking the progress of project or organizational goals helps to ensure that all team members are aligned with project expectations and timelines.

Development Process

Collecting additional data can increase the objectivity of your review. Here are some areas to consider for output analytics.

Code Contribution

Code Quality

Development Process Quality


Behaviour & Attitude

The attitude and mindset of a developer can affect both their own productivity and the effectiveness of the team as a whole. Positive attitudes and growth mindsets tend to lead to higher levels of productivity and innovation. There are multiple factors to consider in this regard.



Team Feedback

Hard Skills Development Progress

Continuous learning and development of technical skills are essential for individuals to excel in their roles, stay current with new tools and technologies, and make valuable contributions to project success.

Soft Skills Development Progress

Proficiency in communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and adaptability are crucial for successful collaboration and project outcomes.

Analyzing data

Identifying gaps in competencies can provide valuable insight into areas that may require improvement.

Comparing progress and metrics against colleagues with similar competency levels or industry averages can be helpful.

Aligning the goals of a company or project with individual opportunities can enhance productivity and effectiveness within the environment.

Tips for preparing for a performance review as a developer.

Receiving feedback on weaknesses and setting challenging goals with your team or organization can promote personal growth.

Differences exist between self-evaluation and managerial evaluation, as they are subjective and objective respectively.

It is important to comprehend the objective of your performance evaluation.

Performance reviews involve assessing one's contributions towards team goals, identifying areas for improvement, and setting goals for future growth in order to enhance performance and efficiency.

Consider your career objectives and plan accordingly.

Developing a career vision can offer a sense of direction and purpose. Goals that align with personal and professional aspirations should be established, along with a plan for achieving them. A resonating vision can provide motivation, focus, and commitment to goals, even in difficult times.

Having a career vision can help you stay resilient and provide a sense of meaning and fulfillment beyond material rewards or external validation. Envisioning the impact you want to make in your field can help you tap into your passion and creativity, allowing you to bring your best self to work every day.

Compile Your Questions

Managers shouldn't dominate performance reviews. They want feedback from their team members too. Employees should ask questions and have a conversation during the review process. Here are some examples of questions to ask:

What actions can I take to further support you and the team?

Could you offer information on the potential evolution of my position?

I would like to schedule a meeting to discuss my proposals with the team.

Can you provide information on any upcoming professional development opportunities that I should consider attending?

I have found an opportunity for external learning that could improve my job performance. Would it be feasible for the company to cover the expenses?

Could you provide recommendations for skills that would be advantageous for me in this position?

I would appreciate some suggestions on how to enhance my internal networking abilities.

What potential shifts do you foresee in the team's dynamics going forward?

Can you suggest any further steps that may help me improve my performance in this role?

Can you provide me with the necessary steps to be considered for a promotion or salary increase?

Compile a record of your achievements.

Begin by reviewing the tasks and projects you have completed during the previous period of time. This may encompass tasks such as software development, bug resolution, code enhancement, or customer service. After identifying your achievements, compile a list of them and consider including any pertinent links to online resources or projects that exhibit your work.

Leverage co-worker feedback

Request feedback from colleagues regarding your performance leading up to and during the review.

Efforts have been made to enhance personal development.

It is recommended to keep a record of newly acquired skills and achievements, as well as mentioning any professional development activities such as attending courses, workshops, or conferences to demonstrate a commitment to staying current in the field.

Demonstrate adaptation to a difficult circumstance.

To demonstrate your skill, share a challenging project or situation you faced and explain how you navigated it successfully. This will showcase your ability to remain calm and resourceful in difficult situations.

Provide recommendations for personal and professional objectives to enhance the outcomes of the organization or project.

To grow personally and professionally, focus on business goals and align them with personal development. Identify key objectives and match them with personal goals to enhance skills and contribute to company success. Understand organization needs, find ways to add value, and develop strategies for achieving both personal and organizational goals. Aligning personal growth with business objectives leads to a win-win situation benefiting individuals and the company.

Determine Your Ask

To get the most out of a review, have a clear request in mind. This will guide the conversation and benefit both sides. You may want a promotion, a raise, or more challenging projects.


The Performance Review process evaluates individual and team performance over a defined period. It identifies past accomplishments and areas for improvement. Teams can enhance their performance and achieve future goals through this process. The Performance Review process facilitates open and honest communication between employees and managers. It establishes clear expectations and objectives for the future. Insights gained can inform decisions about professional development, performance improvement, and career advancement.

The use of devActivity can assist both parties in gathering objective data for performance reviews.

  • Contribution Metrics
  • Quality Metrics
  • Achievements

There are also areas for growth.