How to Run Contributor Reward Program in GitHub Open Source Project

Are you looking to incentivize contributors in your GitHub open-source project? Running a contributor reward program could be the key to attracting and retaining valuable community members. But where do you start? How can you ensure that your program is effective and successful?

Open-source projects rely heavily on community contributions to thrive and grow. Recognizing and rewarding these contributions can help foster a sense of belonging and motivation among contributors. However, managing a contributor reward program can be tricky without the right guidance and strategies.

In this article, we will explore the best practices and tips for running a successful contributor reward program in your GitHub open-source project. From setting clear guidelines to selecting appropriate rewards, we will cover all the essentials to help you effectively manage and enhance community engagement. Let's dive in!

RELATED GUIDE: Monetizing Open Source: A Guide to Sustainable Project Funding

Reward Programs in Open Source

A contributor reward program is a structured initiative implemented by open-source projects to recognize and appreciate the efforts of individuals who contribute to the project's development, improvement, or maintenance. The program is designed to encourage and incentivize community members to actively participate in the project by making contributions such as code contributions, bug fixes, documentation enhancements, community support, and more.

The main objectives of a contributor reward program include:

  1. Motivation: providing contributors with tangible incentives to motivate them to contribute more actively and consistently.
  2. Recognition: acknowledging and publicly recognizing the valuable contributions of individuals within the project community.
  3. Community building: fostering a positive and collaborative community environment where contributors feel appreciated and connected to the project.
  4. Quality improvement: encouraging high-quality contributions by rewarding not only the quantity but also the quality of the work.
  5. Attraction of new contributors: attracting new contributors to join the project by showcasing the benefits and rewards associated with active participation.

p.s. Most of these objectives are implemented in Initiative G4OS (Gamification for Open Source) by devActivity.

Benefits of a Contributor Reward Program

Overall, a contributor reward program has a positive impact on the open-source community, fostering a culture of appreciation, recognition, and collaboration. It acknowledges the hard work of contributors and contributes to the sustained success and growth of open-source projects.

Implementing a contributor reward program in a GitHub open-source project can offer numerous benefits, both for the project maintainers and the contributing community. Here are some key advantages:

  1. Increased contributor engagement: offering rewards provides contributors with tangible incentives, increasing their motivation to actively participate and contribute to the project. This can result in a more engaged and enthusiastic community.

  2. Attracting new contributors: a well-publicized reward program can attract new contributors who are interested in the project and its rewards. This helps in expanding the contributor base and bringing in fresh perspectives.

  3. Quality contributions: rewards can encourage contributors to invest more time and effort in producing high-quality contributions. This can lead to better code, improved documentation, and overall enhancements to the project.

  4. Faster issue resolution: with more contributors actively participating due to the rewards, the project can experience faster issue resolution and feature development. This can positively impact the project's growth and stability.

  5. Community building: a reward program fosters a sense of community and camaraderie among contributors. Recognizing and rewarding their efforts builds a positive and supportive environment, leading to stronger relationships within the community.

  6. Publicity for the project: publicizing the reward program can attract attention to the project, increasing its visibility in the open-source community. This can result in more not only contributors, but also partnerships, and a broader user base.

  7. Continuous improvement: regularly evaluating the effectiveness of the reward program allows project maintainers to identify areas for improvement. This iterative process helps in refining the program and adapting it to the changing needs of the community.

  8. Documentation and knowledge transfer: contributors who are rewarded for documentation improvements contribute to better project documentation. This not only benefits the project but also aids in knowledge transfer among contributors.

  9. Financial support (if applicable): In some cases, projects may be able to provide financial incentives as rewards. This can attract contributors who may be motivated by financial support, especially if the project has funding or sponsorship.

  10. Long-term sustainability: A well-managed reward program can contribute to the long-term sustainability of the project. By recognizing and appreciating contributors, the project is more likely to retain a dedicated and motivated community over time.

Remember that the success of a contributor reward program relies on clear communication, fairness, and a genuine appreciation for the efforts of the contributing community. It's essential to strike a balance between recognizing contributions and maintaining the open and collaborative nature of the open-source project. Read more about strategies to attract contributors to open-source projects.

Types of Contributor Reward Programs

These programs not only provide tangible rewards, but also help developers gain experience, build a strong portfolio, and connect with the open-source community. They also contribute to the advancement of open-source projects by increasing contributions and improving their overall quality. Overall, these contributor reward programs play a vital role in incentivizing and rewarding contributions to the open-source community.

There are different types of contributor reward programs that projects can implement to appreciate their contributors. The choice of program depends on the project's goals and resources. Some common types include recognition and acknowledgment, swag and merchandise, digital badges, and leaderboards, financial incentives for experience points, bug bounties, contributor of the month/year, project sponsorship, training opportunities, VIP access, and community events.

It's important to consider the community's preferences when implementing a contributor reward program. Tailor the rewards to align with the project's goals and values. Combining different types of rewards can create a comprehensive program. Regularly evaluate the program's effectiveness and be open to adjusting it based on feedback from contributors.

Plan of Setting Up a Reward System

Setting up a reward system for contributors to your open-source project involves careful planning and execution. Here's a step-by-step plan to help you establish an effective contributor reward system:

Step 1: Define Goals and Identify Types of Contributions

Clearly articulate the goals and objectives of your reward system. Consider the type of contributions you want to encourage, the level of engagement you aim for, and the overall impact on your open-source project.

Determine the types of contributions that will be eligible for rewards. This could include code contributions, bug fixes, documentation improvements, community support, or other valuable activities.

Step 2: Define Reward Criteria

Once you have identified the goals of your contributor reward program and determined what types of rewards you will offer, the next step is to define the criteria for earning those rewards. This could be based on the quantity, quality, and consistency of contributions.

The criteria should be specific, measurable, and achievable so that contributors know exactly what is expected of them to be eligible for rewards. This can help motivate contributors to participate in the project and encourage them to continue making valuable contributions.

Step 3: Choose Reward Types

Select the types of rewards you want to offer. Consider a mix of both tangible and intangible rewards, such as swag, digital badges, acknowledgment, financial incentives (if possible), or other perks.

One popular method of rewarding contributors is by offering them monetary rewards based on their monthly contributions, also known as monthly XP or experience points (monthly XP = $$$).

Define specific metrics or criteria that contributors need to meet to earn XP points. This could include the number of pull requests submitted, bugs fixed, features implemented, or any other relevant contributions. Make sure that all contributors are aware of how they can earn XP points and what rewards are available. Transparency is key to ensuring that contributors understand how they can benefit from the program. As the project evolves, it's important to revisit and update the reward structure to ensure that it remains relevant and motivating for contributors. Be open to feedback from contributors on what rewards they find most valuable.

Step 4: Create Custom Challenges

Implement custom challenges that are linked to specific issues within the project. By assigning a certain amount of XP (experience points) and even monetary rewards proportionally to the value the issue brings to the project, you can motivate contributors to engage and contribute their skills actively.

Identify high-impact issues within your project that would benefit the most from contributions. These could be critical bugs, feature requests, or improvements that would significantly enhance the project.

Step 5: Create Custom Achievements

Use custom achievements for validating the contributors for previous activities or extra tipping.

One effective strategy for running a successful program is to use custom achievements as a way to validate contributors for their previous activities or provide extra tipping for their efforts.

Custom achievements can be specific goals or milestones that contributors can strive towards, such as reaching a certain number of pull requests or code reviews completed, fixing a specific bug, or helping onboard new contributors. By setting clear guidelines for these achievements and providing rewards for meeting them, you can motivate contributors to actively participate in the program and increase their overall engagement with your project.

Step 6: Appropriate Thresholds for the Challenges

Set appropriate thresholds for the challenges related to the contribution that you want to increase, such as code reviews and pull requests. Here are some tips and tricks:

  1. Setting clear and achievable thresholds for contributions, consider the specific goals you want to achieve with the program. For example, if you want to increase code reviews, set a target number of reviews that contributors need to complete to be eligible for rewards.

  2. It's important to strike a balance when setting thresholds. You want them to be challenging enough to encourage contributors to push themselves, but not so difficult that they become discouraged or overwhelmed.

  3. Communicate the thresholds clearly to all contributors. Make sure that everyone understands what is expected of them to qualify for rewards. Provide regular updates on progress towards meeting these thresholds and celebrate when milestones are reached.

  4. Offer different levels of rewards based on the level of contribution. For example, you could offer a small reward for completing a certain number of code reviews and a larger reward for submitting a certain number of pull requests.

  5. Consider implementing a tiered reward system, where contributors can earn additional perks or recognition as they reach higher levels of contribution.

Step 7: Determine Reward Levels

If applicable, define different reward levels based on the significance of contributions. This could involve tiered recognition or increasing levels of rewards for more substantial contributions.

Step 8: Set Up Tracking and Evaluation Systems

Implement tools or processes to track contributions and evaluate eligibility for rewards. This could involve using GitHub integrations, analytics tools, or creating a transparent evaluation process.

Use a public dashboard (in devActivity coming soon) as can serve as a central hub where you can showcase and track the contributions of your contributors, making it easy for everyone involved to see who is actively participating and how they are contributing. This can help build a sense of community and encourage healthy competition among contributors. Additionally, consider using leaderboards or rankings to highlight top contributors and incentivize others to increase their participation. Providing regular updates and reminders can help keep contributors engaged and motivated to continue participating in the program.

Step 9: Provide Recognition and Badges

Acknowledge the efforts of your contributors by giving them public recognition in your project's documentation, social media channels, or community forums. This helps boost their morale and encourages them to continue contributing.

Give badges for contributors' achievements. These are graphic objects that can be placed in the contributor's account and it perfectly reflects his contribution to the project. Of course, it's good to motivate materially, but research shows that any form of gamification can increase engagement and motivation.

Step 10: Establish a Communication Plan

Communicate the reward program to your community. Announce the launch of the program, explain the criteria, and highlight the types of rewards available. Regularly update contributors on their progress and any changes to the program.

Specify the program details in the CONTRIBUTING file. Clearly outline the rules and guidelines of your contributor reward program in the CONTRIBUTING file of your project. This should include information on the types of rewards available, eligibility criteria, and how contributors can claim their rewards. Link to the program in your project README.

Step 11: Publicize the Program

Promote the reward program through various channels, including project documentation, social media, mailing lists, and community forums. Encourage contributors to participate and share their experiences.

One effective way to run a successful contributor reward program is by making announcements in various contributor communities.

Before making any announcements, it's important to identify the various communities where your contributors are active. This could include GitHub discussion forums, social media groups, or specific project channels. By targeting the right communities, you can ensure that your message reaches the appropriate audience. When making announcements, be sure to craft clear and engaging messages that clearly outline the benefits of participating in the contributor reward program.

Step 12: Monitor and Iterate

Regularly monitor the effectiveness of the reward program. Collect feedback from contributors, assess the impact on contributions, and be willing to iterate on the program to address any shortcomings or make improvements.

Step 13: Celebrate Successes

Publicly acknowledge and celebrate the successes of contributors who receive rewards. This reinforces the positive impact of their contributions and motivates others to participate.

Step 14: Foster Community Engagement

Use the reward system as a tool to foster a sense of community. Encourage collaboration, communication, and mentorship within your contributor community.


In conclusion, setting up a reward system for contributors to your open-source project can greatly enhance engagement and drive valuable contributions. By following these steps and carefully planning out your strategy, you can create a program that motivates and rewards your contributors effectively. Remember to adapt and evolve your reward system as your project grows and always be open to feedback from your community.

By incorporating devActivity, the contributor experience becomes more interactive and engaging. Custom challenges, achievements, leaderboards, and themed challenges enhance the sense of accomplishment and drive contributors to participate more actively in the project's development.

devActivity is a performance analytics software designed for open-source GitHub projects. It helps you track contributions from your GitHub repository in real-time. This tool offers insights to help maintainers and product owners identify and address challenges in development processes. devActivity also motivates contributors to improve code quality through badges and gamified elements throughout the software development lifecycle.

devActivity offers a full feature set for open-source projects at no cost. Give it a try to see how it can help attract contributors more easily, with proven results.

With the right incentives in place, you can cultivate a strong and dedicated group of contributors who will help take your project to new heights. Start planning your contributor reward system today and watch your project thrive!