A Complete Guide to Software Engineer Performance Review

As a software engineer, have you ever wondered how your performance is being evaluated? Are you unsure of what your employer is looking for in terms of your work?

Performance reviews are a crucial part of any job, and the software engineering industry is no exception. However, due to the unique nature of the field, performance evaluations can vary greatly from company to company. With so many different approaches and business models, it can be challenging to know what to expect.

In this guide, we will attempt to shed some light on the software engineer performance review process. While we acknowledge that there is no one-size-fits-all approach, we have compiled a list of common evaluation criteria and tips for success. Keep in mind that every company is different, and your individual experience may vary. Nonetheless, we hope this complete guide will provide some valuable insight into how to excel in your role as a software engineer.

Who is this Guide for?

  1. Software Engineers can benefit from this guide as it provides insights into what their employers expect of them and how they can improve their performance.

  2. Team Leaders & Managers can use this guide to set clear performance expectations for their team members, track progress, and provide feedback.

  3. Human Resources Professionals can use this guide to standardize the performance review process across the organization, ensuring fairness and consistency.

  4. Company Executives can benefit from this guide by gaining a better understanding of how their software engineering teams are performing, identifying areas for improvement, and creating strategies to improve the overall productivity and effectiveness of their teams.

What is Performance Review for Software Engineer (Developer)?

Software engineer performance review assesses their performance against established goals and metrics. Assessments are done by management, peers, and supervisors to gauge an individual's contributions.

To ensure that performance is evaluated fairly, reviews are typically based on objective criteria such as project milestones, technical abilities

Why Performance Reviews are Important?

Performance reviews are important for a number of reasons. First and foremost, they allow managers to track the progress of their software engineers and ensure that they are meeting expected goals. Performance reviews also provide an opportunity for software engineers to receive feedback from their managers about their performance, which can help them make positive changes in their work. Finally, performance reviews give managers insight into how their team is working as a


  1. Subjectivity. Performance reviews are inherently subjective, and it can be challenging to remove personal biases and emotions from the process.

  2. Lack of clarity. If performance expectations are not clearly defined, software engineers may not understand what is expected of them, making it difficult for them to perform at their best.

  3. Time constraints. Conducting thorough and effective performance reviews requires a significant amount of time, and managers may struggle to allocate the necessary resources to complete them.

  4. Data availability. Managers may not have access to enough data or metrics to evaluate software engineers' performance accurately.

  5. Communication issues. If communication between managers and software engineers is poor, misunderstandings can occur, leading to inaccurate evaluations.

  6. Unpredictable workloads. Software engineering workloads can be unpredictable, and performance evaluations may not always align with the software engineers' most significant achievements or challenges.

  7. Unforeseeable situations. Sometimes unforeseeable situations can arise, such as significant changes in the business environment, disruptions, or health emergencies, which can disrupt the evaluation process.

  8. Constructive criticism for non-performers. Identifying an employee's weaknesses can be challenging as it may strain the relationship. Some opt to avoid constructive criticism and identifying weaknesses to prevent losing the employee, which can create potential issues in the future.

Types of Performance Reviews

Management Review

Software developer performance review is a process of evaluating an employee's work and progress in a software development role. The review aims to measure the developer's productivity, technical skills, teamwork, communication, and adherence to deadlines. The performance review typically consists of several stages, including setting goals and expectations, monitoring progress, providing feedback, and rating the employee's overall performance. During the goal-setting stage, the manager and the employee discuss and agree on specific objectives, such as completing a project or improving the quality of the code. Throughout the year, the manager monitors the employee's progress and provides feedback on their work.

Finally, at the end of the review period, the manager rates the employee's performance and identifies areas for improvement. This process helps the employee to grow and develop their skills, while also ensuring that the company is getting the most out of their workforce.

Peer Review

Peer performance review for software engineers is a process where team members evaluate each other's job performance. It is a crucial tool for improving the team's overall productivity and ensuring that everyone is working towards the same goals. The review process typically consists of several stages, starting with goal setting and performance expectations. Once these are established, team members will evaluate each other based on their contributions to the project, the quality of their work, and their ability to work collaboratively. The final stage involves providing feedback and suggestions for improvement. This process is often repeated on a regular basis to ensure that everyone is working effectively and efficiently.

Overall, the peer performance review is an essential tool for software engineering teams to maintain high standards of work and continually improve their performance.


Self-appraisal is a performance review process that allows employees to assess their own work and provide feedback to their supervisors. It’s a valuable tool for software engineers to evaluate their own performance, identify areas for growth, and set goals for the future. Self-appraisal is also an opportunity for employees to communicate their achievements and contributions to their team and organization.

360-degree Assessment

Software engineer performance review using 360-degree assessment involves feedback from various sources, such as peers, managers, subordinates, and customers. The approach provides a holistic view of the engineer's performance, including technical skills, teamwork, communication, and leadership. The process includes setting performance goals, collecting feedback, analyzing it, and providing feedback to the engineer. It's anonymous for honesty and objectivity to identify strengths and weaknesses, set development goals, and improve performance. This tool helps improve software engineers' performance to meet the company's expectations and goals.


OKRs, or Objectives and Key Results, are a performance review method in software engineering. The process involves setting challenging but achievable goals that align with the company's objectives. Key results are measurable outcomes that track progress. Regular evaluation and adjustments ensure progress is on track. At the end of the review period, the engineer's performance is evaluated based on their ability to meet objectives and key results. This process allows for clear communication, regular feedback, and alignment of individual and company goals.

Balanced Scorecard

The balanced scorecard approach considers four dimensions of performance: financial, customer, internal processes, and learning and growth. The system helps organizations evaluate the effectiveness of their software engineering team and identify areas where they need to improve.

How Often to Run the Performance Review

You can run it with following period:

  • weekly
  • bi-weekly
  • monthly
  • quarterly
  • half-yearly
  • annually

More often you do more time you spend. But shortest feedback loop for goals alignment is what you get.

Author's opinion: it would be best to begin with monthly reviews for new team members and gradually transition to quarterly or half-yearly reviews after a few iterations.

Many companies find annual reviews to be insufficiently timely.

Data to Consider for Performance Review

  1. Goals and Objectives. Managers should review the goals and objectives set for the software engineer and evaluate their progress towards achieving them.

  2. Metrics and KPIs. Here are some good examples: Cycle Time, Time to Review, Time to Rework, Code Quality, Test Coverage etc.

  3. Feedback. Review any feedback received from team members, peers, or other stakeholders, including customer feedback, to evaluate the software engineer's communication and collaboration skills.

  4. Projects. Review the software engineer's recent projects and assess the quality of their work, the level of complexity, and the impact they had on the team and the business.

  5. Skills and development. Assess the software engineer's current skill set and consider whether they have been developing new skills and knowledge during the review period.

  6. Attitude and behavior. Consider the software engineer's attitude, behavior, and work ethics, including their ability to work collaboratively, their willingness to take on new challenges, and their approach to problem-solving.

  7. Challenges and obstacles. Consider any challenges or obstacles that the software engineer faced during the review period and evaluate how they overcame them.

Useful Tools

Task Tracking Software

By sorting the task list by type and priority, you can easily identify which tasks were completed, what needs more attention, and which ones should be prioritized. Additionally, it is also a good idea to save predefined filters so that you can quickly pull up reports on a specific type of task, project, or department for each review iteration.

Output Analytics Software

Data gathering and analysis can be a time-consuming process, but with the help of automation tools, it can be simplified and streamlined. These tools can gather data from various sources and provide output analytics that can help businesses make informed decisions.; Heystack, Waydev, LinearB etc. If your team is using GitHub, you may consider devActivity. See more here.

It is important to keep in mind the security of the code access and the potential complications that may arise during implementation. Ensuring that the tools used are secure and reliable is crucial to prevent any data breaches or errors in the analysis. Additionally, it is important to consider the complexity of implementing these tools and the potential impact on existing systems before making a decision.

Gamification Tools

Gamification tools can be very beneficial for software developers as they can help improve productivity, engagement, and motivation. By incorporating game-like elements such as point systems, badges, and leaderboards, developers can feel more motivated to complete tasks and reach goals. This can also help create a sense of competition and collaboration among team members. Additionally, gamification tools can provide instant feedback and recognition, which can boost morale and confidence. Some popular gamification tools for software developers include CodeCombat, Codecademy, and HackerRank. These tools not only make learning and developing more enjoyable, but they can also help developers improve their skills and stay up-to-date with the latest technologies.

devActivity is also can help you with making the development process more engaging. Check Demo.

Team Feedback Form

There're tons of survey tools with third-party integration that can help you to collect the feedback in most efficient way. Google Form, Slack Bots probably easiest way to start.


It might help you to write great pieces of review.

Spreadsheet for Archive + template

Spreadsheet can help you to automate some basic calculation like period change. It's best for small companies. Check the possibilities of your HRM system to keep the Performance Review Archive.

devActivity keeps the records of review performed on monthly, quartely or yearly basis.

Best Practices/How-to

Who Runs the Performance Review?

In some cases, performance reviews may also involve input from other stakeholders such as team leads, project managers, or senior software engineers. However, the direct manager is usually the primary person responsible for conducting the review and making decisions related to their team members' performance.

Step 1. Prepare

Your First Review: consider the type of performance review, decide on the criterias

If you are using an automated employee performance review system for the first time, there are some important considerations to make.

The first step is to decide on the type of performance review that would be most effective for your organization.

Next, decide on the criteria you will use to evaluate employees’ performance. These criteria can vary from organization to organization, but might include factors like quality of work, output metirics, timeliness and communication. You should also consider how you are going to measure these criteria so that you can accurately track and evaluate employee performance over time.

Once you have settled on the type of review and the criteria for evaluation, it’s time to create the system itself.

Analyze previous performance reviews

This analysis can help identify areas of strength and weakness in the current review process, as well as opportunities for improvement. The goal of this analysis is to ensure that employees receive fair, accurate reviews that accurately reflect their contributions to the organization.

When analyzing past performance reviews, it’s important to look at the overall trends in the data. For instance, look for any patterns among the ratings and comments to determine if there are any areas where employees consistently tend to perform well or poorly. Doing this analysis can help you identify areas for improvement in your automated system and ensure that employees receive fair, accurate reviews.

Prepare the outline

Preparing an outline for an employee performance review is important because it provides structure, helps focus on performance, facilitates communication, and improves documentation. It ensures that the review is objective, structured, and focused on improving the employee's performance.

Gather relevant information

A good thing is to have data compared to team's averages

Gathering relevant information is an essential step in conducting automated employee performance reviews. This helps to ensure that the review process is comprehensive and thorough, providing a fair and accurate assessment of each employee’s individual performance.

When gathering data for automated employee performance reviews, it is important to consider both quantitative and qualitative sources. Quantitative sources can include numerical data such as hours worked or tasks completed, while qualitative sources might assess soft skills like communication or collaboration. Both types of information should be taken into account in order to give a full and complete picture of each employee’s performance. It can also be helpful to compare each employee’s data to the team’s average, in order to gain further insight.

Optional: ask an developer for achievements report

Requesting a list of job tasks and achievements from developers can provide insight into their performance and value to the company, as well as uncover any hidden situations or expectations. However, it may pose challenges for employees.

Schedule meeting

It can be beneficial to provide an agenda for the meeting, outlining any topics that will be discussed. Finally, make sure to leave ample time for questions and discussion at the end of the meeting. It is recommended to hold this meeting face-to-face and privately.

Step 2. Perform

Looking back

Demonstrating prepared analytics is key when conducting a software engineer performance review, as it allows managers to compare individual performance against both the average performance of all engineers and also specific colleagues within the team. For instance, look for any areas where engineers consistently tend to perform well or poorly. When evaluating individual performance against specific colleagues, however, be very careful.

Looking ahead

discuss next period challenges and team goals, collaborate to build roadmap for employee to achieve his goals. employee will take more responsibility if he gets involved into roadmap creation

Collaboration and creating a roadmap for employee ensures everyone works towards the same objectives. Team success requires anticipating challenges and setting achievable goals. Inviting employees to participate in roadmap creation encourages responsibility and development, leading to a more engaged and motivated team. Working together and setting clear goals allows us to overcome challenges and achieve great things.

Step 3. Post Review Actions

  1. Save to archive.
  2. Send to employee.
  3. Provide recommendations to stakeholders regarding salary changes, bonuses, and potential additions to the Personal Development Plan.
  4. Set reminder for next review iteration

When Performance Review Can Go Bed

  1. Lack of preparation. If managers are unprepared or do not have enough data to evaluate the software engineer's performance, the review may not accurately reflect the software engineer's contributions or challenges.

  2. Biases. If the review process is not objective, personal biases or emotions may come into play, leading to inaccurate or unfair evaluations.

  3. Lack of clarity. If the performance expectations are not clearly defined, software engineers may not understand what is expected of them, leading to misunderstandings and frustrations.

  4. Ineffective feedback. If feedback is not constructive, specific, or timely, software engineers may not understand what they need to improve, and they may become demotivated or disengaged.

  5. Failure to recognize achievements. If managers fail to recognize software engineers' significant achievements, they may feel undervalued and unappreciated, leading to low morale and job dissatisfaction.

  6. Poor communication. If communication between the manager and software engineer is poor, misunderstandings can occur, leading to inaccurate evaluations.

  7. Inflexible evaluation criteria. If the evaluation criteria are inflexible or not tailored to the software engineer's role or responsibilities, the review may not reflect their performance accurately.

How Do You Know the Review is Good

An employee's enthusiasm and inspiration for new achievements can indicate a job well done. He dedicates time and energy to creating a comprehensive plan for achieving future objectives.

The enthusiastic employee is like a skilled captain steering a ship towards new horizons, carefully mapping out the course to reach their destination.


Automate data collection

Automating data collection is a process of using technology to collect and analyze data without any human intervention. This process is becoming increasingly important because of the massive amount of data generated every day. Automating data collection can help organizations to streamline their operations, reduce errors, and increase efficiency. It can also help to identify patterns and trends that might be missed by human analysts. By automating data collection, organizations can save time and resources, and focus on more important tasks such as data analysis and decision making. Overall, automating data collection is a crucial step towards improving business operations and gaining a competitive edge in today's data-driven economy.

Train to do performance review with experienced collegues

Performance reviews are an important part of any organization's growth and development. Conducting a performance review helps in assessing an employee's strengths and weaknesses, providing constructive feedback, and setting goals for the future. However, it can be a daunting task for someone who is new to the process. That's why training with experienced colleagues can be extremely valuable. Learning from others who have been through the process, and have a good understanding of what works and what doesn't, can help you gain confidence and improve your skills. It can also help you develop a consistent approach to performance reviews, which can be beneficial for the entire organization.

Document the acomplishmenets, utilize the retrospective ritual from Agile

Documenting and recording accomplishments on a weekly basis is a great way to keep track of progress and ensure that goals are being met. Using a retrospective approach can help to identify areas for improvement and celebrate successes. By taking time to reflect on the previous week, it is possible to identify what worked well and what didn't, and make necessary adjustments for the upcoming week. This process can also help to foster accountability and motivation, as team members can see the progress they are making towards their goals. Overall, documenting accomplishments on a weekly basis and using retrospective can help to keep everyone on track and working towards success.

Use SMART to set goals

SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

Compare to team's averages and to previous periods trends

It’s important to compare individual employees to the team’s overall averages as well as to previous periods. This allows you to see not only how each employee is doing in comparison to their peers, but also how they are progressing over time.

One way you can compare an individual employee's performance with their teammates is by looking at their average scores on various metrics such as quality of work, punctuality, and attendance. If an employee consistently scores lower than the team’s average, it may be necessary to provide additional training or set new goals.

Present numerical data and trends to reduce the influence of subjective interpretation and biases

Presenting numerical data and trends is crucial to reducing the influence of subjective interpretation and biases. When we rely solely on subjective interpretations, we are susceptible to our own biases and limitations, which can lead to inaccurate conclusions. However, when we use numerical data and trends, we can objectively analyze and interpret the information, providing a more accurate and reliable understanding of the situation. By presenting numerical data and trends, we can reduce the impact of our individual biases and ensure that decisions are made based on facts rather than subjective opinions. This is especially important in fields such as science, economics, and politics, where objective analysis is essential for making informed decisions.

Sleep with it

When it comes to making important decisions taking one day to think about the entire process from beginning to end can help you see any potential issues that may arise with implementation and give you the opportunity to make adjustments before launching.

Performance Review Examples/Templates

Useful Phrases

Recognize the achievements

  1. "Your hard work and dedication to this project really paid off. You did an excellent job completing it on time and within budget."

  2. "You consistently demonstrate a high level of professionalism and take pride in delivering high-quality work."

  3. "Your innovative approach to problem-solving helped us achieve our goals and saved us time and resources."

  4. "Your ability to work collaboratively with team members and stakeholders has been impressive and has led to successful project outcomes."

  5. "Your strong attention to detail has been critical in ensuring that our products and services are of the highest quality."

  6. "Your strong work ethic and positive attitude have been an asset to the team, and you consistently go above and beyond to ensure that our clients are satisfied."

  7. "Your leadership skills have been instrumental in guiding the team and ensuring that we meet our objectives."

  8. "Your willingness to take on additional responsibilities and learn new skills has been impressive and has contributed to your professional growth."

  9. "Your ability to communicate effectively and build relationships with clients has resulted in positive feedback and increased business."

  10. "Your consistent performance has been an inspiration to the team, and we appreciate all that you do to contribute to our success."

Identify areas of growth

  1. "I'd like to see you improve your coding efficiency by using more automation tools."

  2. "Your communication skills could be improved to better articulate complex technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders."

  3. "Your code could benefit from better documentation to make it easier for other team members to understand."

  4. "I think you would benefit from taking a course or workshop to learn a new programming language or technology."

  5. "I'd like to see you take on more leadership responsibilities in the team and mentor junior developers."

  6. "Your problem-solving skills could be improved by breaking down complex problems into smaller, more manageable tasks."

  7. "Your time management could be improved to ensure that deadlines are consistently met."

  8. "You could benefit from improving your collaboration skills by actively seeking out feedback and input from your colleagues."

  9. "Your attention to detail could be improved by conducting thorough code reviews and testing."

  10. "Your ability to prioritize tasks and manage competing demands could be improved to ensure that the most critical tasks are completed first."



How Long Does a Performance Review Take?

The length of a performance review can range from a minimum of 30 minutes to a maximum of a couple of hours. The duration depends on factors such as data preparation method, frequency of review, and post-review actions. Manual data preparation can take 60-90 minutes, while automatic preparation can take 10-60 minutes. Weekly/monthly reviews take 15 minutes, and quarterly/half-yearly/annual reviews take 30-45 minutes. Post-review actions take 5-60 minutes. It is important to allocate sufficient time for a thorough and helpful review.

How Do You Review Developer Performance?

We have a great plan to answer this later ;)

What is a 6-month Performance Review?

A 6-month performance review is a formal evaluation of an employee's work performance and progress over the first half of the year. It is typically conducted by a manager or supervisor and involves a discussion of the employee's strengths, areas for improvement, and goals for the remainder of the year. The review may include feedback from other team members or stakeholders, as well as metrics or data related to the employee's performance.

The purpose of a 6-month performance review is to provide feedback, identify areas for growth and development, and ensure that the employee and company are aligned in terms of goals and expectations.

Should I Quit During Performance Review?

Quitting during a performance review may burn bridges with your employer and colleagues. It is important to listen to feedback and work on areas of improvement identified during the review. Consider discussing concerns or issues with your employer and working towards a solution before making the decision to quit. Quitting during a performance review may impact future job opportunities and references.

What is a 3-month Review at Work?

A 3 month review is a performance evaluation conducted by an employer after an employee has been working for the company for 3 months. The review typically assesses the employee's job performance, skills, strengths and areas for improvement. The review provides an opportunity for the employer to give feedback to the employee and for the employee to discuss their job satisfaction and any concerns they may have. The review can also be used to set goals for the employee for the next 3 months and beyond.

How Do I Prepare for a 6-month Review?

Review your job description and performance goals to ensure you understand what is expected of you. Keep track of your accomplishments and successes over the past six months. Request feedback from colleagues and supervisors to gain a well-rounded understanding of your performance. Set new goals and objectives for the next six months based on your review and feedback.

How Do You Write a Basic Performance Review?

Start with an introduction and explain the purpose of the review. Evaluate the employee's performance based on specific goals and expectations. Provide specific examples of the employee's strengths and areas for improvement. End with a plan for future growth and development, including setting new goals and providing resources for improvement.

What are the Stages of Performance Review?

Setting objectives and goals for the employee. Conducting regular check-ins and feedback sessions throughout the year. Preparing for the formal performance review meeting. Conducting the formal performance review meeting, providing feedback and discussing potential areas for improvement and development.

What Can Go Wrong in a Performance Review?

  1. Biases and prejudices of the reviewer can affect the assessment.
  2. The review process may lack clarity and structure.
  3. The feedback given may be vague or unhelpful.
  4. The review may focus solely on negative aspects, rather than acknowledging strengths and successes.

What Should I Expect in a Performance Review?

  1. Feedback on your job performance from your supervisor.
  2. Discussion of your strengths and areas for improvement.
  3. Goal-setting for the upcoming year.
  4. Possible salary or promotion considerations.

What to Expect in a 30-day Performance Review?

  1. Feedback on your performance over the past 30 days.
  2. Discussion of areas where you have excelled and areas where improvement is needed.
  3. Goal-setting for the next 30 days.
  4. Opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback to your supervisor.

How Do You Write a Performance Review for a Developer?

  1. Start by setting clear expectations and goals for the developer's performance.
  2. Evaluate their technical skills and expertise, as well as their ability to work well in a team.
  3. Provide specific examples of their achievements and areas for improvement.
  4. Offer constructive feedback and suggestions for their professional development.

What Should I Say in a Performance Review?

  1. Highlight the employee's strengths and achievements over the past year.
  2. Provide specific examples of ways in which the employee has contributed to the company's success.
  3. Offer constructive feedback on areas where the employee could improve or develop new skills.
  4. Set goals and objectives for the coming year, and work with the employee to create an action plan for achieving them.

What Should I Write in a Performance Review Example?

  1. Start by highlighting the employee's strengths and accomplishments over the past year.
  2. Provide specific examples of how the employee has contributed to the company's success.
  3. Discuss areas where the employee could improve and provide constructive feedback for how they can do so.
  4. End on a positive note by encouraging the employee to continue their hard work and expressing gratitude for their contributions to the team.

How Do you Evaluate Software Developer Performance?

  1. Set clear and measurable goals and objectives for the developer.
  2. Regularly review and assess the quality of their work.
  3. Consider their ability to work collaboratively with other team members.
  4. Evaluate their problem-solving skills, communication, and adaptability to changes in project requirements.

How Do You Write an Overall Performance Summary?

  1. Begin with an introduction that provides context for the performance summary.
  2. Use specific, measurable data to highlight the employee's achievements and areas for improvement.
  3. Include examples and anecdotes that illustrate the employee's strengths and weaknesses.
  4. End with a conclusion that summarizes the employee's overall performance and provides recommendations for future growth and development.


Performance reviews are a crucial aspect of employee engagement and goal alignment, particularly for software engineers. Conducting regular performance reviews can help provide valuable feedback on an employee's strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. By setting clear goals and objectives, employees are better equipped to understand what is expected of them and can work towards achieving those goals. An objective performance review process can also help identify any performance gaps or areas where additional training may be needed. Ultimately, a well-executed performance review process can lead to increased employee engagement, improved productivity, and better overall business outcomes.

You did a great job if developer perpared some kind of goals achieving roadmap and excited to execute it.

Automate your performance review and team feedback with devActivity. Check the Peformance Review Demo.