Haystack Alternative

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                                                  It's advisable to use album orientation for a comprehensive comparison table.

                                                  - The product focuses on team metrics. It is good when the team is highly motivated and has a culture of collaboration. If you need to analyze someone specific from the team, difficulties arise. - Also, the emphasis is mainly on quality metrics, without quantitative ones. - Providing all metrics requires additional settings, in particular for the deployment stage (in general, a typical task for most similar solutions: the more metrics, the more systems need to be integrated). - One of the few products with a monthly subscription option on the market, but without a free plan. - Information search is confused by the presence of a popular framework with the same name. - If you analyze the comparison pages on their website, you get a strong impression of emphasis on the weaknesses of competitors. For some reason, it caught my eye that Waydev has bad ratings, although YCombinator backed both products. You're welcome to check devActivity - Haystack alternative

                                                  Track, Analyze and Optimize Your Software DeveEx!

                                                  Effortlessly implement gamification, pre-generated performance reviews and retrospective, work quality analytics, alerts on top of your code repository activity

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