About UsSmall Team, Big Dreams

At the heart of every improvement lies data - well-gathered, clearly visualized, and thoughtfully prioritized. Equally crucial is having someone accountable to act on this data.

For us, creating software isn't just about code; it's about crafting solutions that solve problems, save time, and streamline processes. And to achieve this, we rely on our dedicated team. The speed at which our team evolves is pivotal to our success.

We constantly seek ways to empower our team's growth. We realized that measurement is the key to improvement, which led us to focus on software development activity metrics initially. However, we soon recognized that quality is just as vital as quantity.

Another revelation was that we already possessed the data required for analysis (courtesy of Git events, task tracking, and more). What was missing was the time and effort to extract, visualize, and act on this data consistently. Life often gets too busy to sharpen the saw. Yet, having a tool that continuously provides insights and highlights areas impacting development process quality would undoubtedly make our lives easier.

This realization gave birth to devActivity. We are a small but passionate team of tech enthusiasts on a mission to bring project success closer by generating ideas and developing solutions that matter. And we feel like it will matter to millions...

Founder/CEO @ devActivity

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Track, Analyze and Optimize Your Software DeveEx!

Effortlessly implement gamification, pre-generated performance reviews and retrospective, work quality analytics, alerts on top of your code repository activity

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